Monday, October 31, 2016

Found Film

After casting aside some overly ambitious ideas I decided to go ahead and try printing some photos. This photo is still in progress and I'm pretty much making it up as I go. I started by tracing the trees in sharpie and then proceeded to color the ground using oils and color pencils.

Japanese Stab Binding

Lotus Binding

Final Book with Images

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Andy Warhol

These pictures would fall under the "making the ordinary extraordinary" category. I think that if Andy Warhol were alive today these works would pretty much be the same because the subjects are fairly timeless. He might do them with succulents and aquariums and possibly technology such as a laptop and a smart phone.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pre Work: Self-Portrait

Michelle Dickson

Timothy Pakron

Amanda O'Sullivan

Pre Work: Japanese Stab Binding